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FMEA’s mission to promote quality, comprehensive education in all Florida Schools is a testament to our commitment to advocacy. For decades, FMEA has been a leader in championing music education in Florida by providing support for local coalition building and actively supporting state legislative priorities. If you are interested in getting more involved in advocacy initiatives or need local support, please contact the FMEA office.

You can find your state Senator and Representative at the links below.  Put in your address where you are registered to vote:

The Busy Teacher's Guide to Advocacy

Collegiate Advocacy Day 

The Florida Music Education Association and Florida NAfME Collegiate will host their ninth annual Collegiate Music Education Advocacy Event on March 25, 2025. Learn more and sign up to join us.

You spoke. We listened. We are acting.

We have reviewed the advocacy data we collected at the FMEA 2025 Conference at our advocacy hub. Members indicated a wide variety of needs, which is not surprising given our wonderfully diverse large state. Some major challenges related to funding, legislative issues, and working with parents. Please see the FMD February/March Advocacy Article for more information, or contact Jeanne Reynolds at

FMEA AI Arts Advocacy Strategist

Your input inspired a new resource: a draft AI chatbot developed by Dr. Christopher Burns, FMSA President. The chatbot allows you to ask questions about funding in your area, get help with parent support, and more. We welcome your feedback as we improve this resource.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided by this chatbot regarding local arts advocacy is offered for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, advocacy, or professional advice. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, the content may not reflect the most current legal standards or local regulatory changes. Users should consult with the local arts supervisor or district advocate to address their specific circumstances. Reliance on this information is at the user's own risk; the developers and maintainers of this chatbot assume no liability for any actions taken based on its content.

2025 Legislative Platform

The Center for Fine Arts Education Legislative Platform was developed in collaboration with the Florida Music Education Association, Florida School Music Association, and Florida Art Education Association.

  • Fine Arts Academic Achievement & Alignment
  • Education Funding
  • Teacher Recruitment & Retention
  • Education Accountability

For details, please see our Legislative Platform Handout.


Seal of Fine Arts Legislation

This is FMEA’s most recent advocacy initiative. This legislation provides long-overdue recognition of the importance and rigor of quality arts education by creating a graduation seal for high-achieving music students.

For further information about how to earn the Seal, please see the DOE Fine Arts Page.

Questions about the Seal of Fine Arts? Ask them here!


Engage in Arts Education Advocacy

 Did you know that students engaged in arts learning are:

  • Four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement.
  • Four times more likely to participate in a math and science fair.
  • Three times more likely to be elected to class office within their schools
  • Three times more likely to win an award for school attendance.

Careers In Music

The music industry offers a wide range of opportunities for individuals who are passionate about music. By exploring their interests and pursuing further education or specialized training in music, arts administration, or related fields, individuals can discover fulfilling and rewarding careers that allow them to contribute to the vibrant and dynamic world of music. Please see these resources from our national partners, the National Federation of High School Associations and the National Association of Music Merchants:


Music education is deeply personal to me. I have always wanted to play musical instruments. When I was in third grade, I desperately wanted to play the drums. I was told that I had to earn the right to learn this musical instrument by increasing my academic levels. There is no doubt in my mind that countless other children have been told the same thing. I proved my gatekeepers wrong. My ability to read and my number sense dramatically improved alongside my passion and love of learning music. I could visualize half, quarter, eighth and sixteenth notes and was quickly able to translate that into mathematical concepts in the classroom, putting me well ahead of many of my classmates.

I truly believe that music education enhances and supports academic growth and performance. This is why I have been such a vocal advocate for visual and performing arts as critical components to a high-quality education.

--Dr. Michael Grego, Superintendent (Retired), Pinellas County Schools


2024 Florida Legislative Summary:


End of Session Report 2024

This is a comprehensive report of the 2024 Legislative Session prepared by our lobbyists from the Capitol Hill Group.


Early Childhood Music Education Incentive Program

Please see page 13 of the End of Session Report for Senator Perry’s Early Childhood Music Education Incentive Program.

Senator Perry championed this legislation beginning in 2017. This legislation moved this program from a pilot program to a permanent program administered by the Department of Education.

Arts Education Data Project

The FMEA Advocacy Committee continues to advocate for Florida’s Participation in the Arts Education Data Project.  Here is an example from Georgia.

This resource will be particularly helpful to parents as they choose music and arts education programs for their students.


Advocacy at the National Level: NAfME Hill Day

On June 12, 2024, music education leaders and advocates from across the country participated in the annual Hill Day hosted by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). 

Your Florida team included Jeanne Reynolds, Dr. Kathleen Sanz, Jason Locker, Dr. Carlos Abril, Dr. Skip Pardee, Dr. Shelby Chipman, Megan Robhichaud, Grace Wieckkowski, and Megan Rodriguez. The team worked hard on your behalf advocating for high quality arts education for all.

NAfME had outlined many legislative priorities for us to discuss.

FMEA at the Capitol for NAfME Hill Day 2024 © Ashlee Wilcox Photography, LLC

FMEA at the Capitol for NAfME Hill Day 2024 © Ashlee Wilcox Photography, LLC