Component Organizations of FMEA
FMEA is composed of several component and affiliate organizations and councils, each focusing on its unique specialization within the field of music education.

Florida is somewhat unique in that the FMEA is itself an umbrella organization and is concerned with activities that affect all music education. Activities that deal aspecifically with a particular area or grade level are handled by component organizations, councils, and committees.
Component Associations
Component organizations focus on a particular subject matter and grade level and have their own 501(c)(3) status, executive director, and board of directors.
The Florida Bandmasters Association promotes the expansion and improvement of band programs in Florida schools and professional growth for band directors.
The Florida Elementary Music Educators Association whose purpose is to unite and strengthen the professional standing of all elementary music teachers in order to encourage more effective teaching of music.
The Florida Orchestra Association with programs and activities geared specifically toward orchestras and string programs and the professional growth of orchestra directors and string teachers.
The Florida Vocal Association whose purpose is to promote and develop interest in vocal and general music, the improvement of school choral groups in Florida's secondary schools, and the professional growth of choral directors.
Council Associations
Council associations must have a mission aligned with that of the FMEA mission statement, elect a board of directors, work directly with students or teachers, and maintain by-laws and a constitution.
The Florida College Music Educators Association addresses the concerns unique to music programs in colleges, universities, and community colleges.
The Florida Music Supervision Association deals directly with curriculum standards, facilities, and programs from the perspective of district-level administrations.
Florida NAfME Collegiate is comprised of our future music educators and seeks to improve opportunities and experiences for college students before they become practicing educators.
Multicultural Network promotes collaboration and mentorship among music educators of all cultures and backgrounds, and advocates for inclusive music programs in Florida's schools.
1-800-301-FMEA(3632) • Fax: (850) 942-1793