FMEA provides regular webinars on topics beneficial to music teachers, students, and administrators. Please see our Webinar Archive Page for past webinar recordings and handouts available to all current members, and join us live for our next webinar.

You Teach Where? Lessons Learned While Working in a Small-Town School

Spend an hour with David Ramos, the author of the popular Florida Music Director article and guest presenter at the FMEA Pre-Planning Urban and Rural Title I Schools Cohort Conference. David will discuss his experiences working in a rural setting and provide strategies for success that can work for ALL music educators regardless of where you are.
Tuesday, February 27
6:00 p.m. Eastern
David Ramos was the Director of Bands at Bradford High School in Starke, Florida from 2021 to 2023. He now serves as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Miami Frost School of Music, working towards a Master of Music in Wind Conducting. David lives in Miami with his wife and two dogs.
The FMEA Podcast Kickoff Episode: Joy and the Power of Positive Practices
FMEA Professional Learning chair Ajori Spencer is joined by Brigitte Poulson, the Performing Arts Coordinator for Pinellas County Schools, and Meghan Alfaro, President-Elect for the Florida Elementary Music Education Association. They talk about the joy of teaching music and their session entitled "Tune Out the Noise: The Power of Positive Practices for Music Educators," which they will be presenting at the upcoming 2024 FMEA Professional Development Conference.

Webinar Recordings
Recordings of the past webinars listed below can be found on our Webinar Archive Page
... and many more!!!
1-800-301-FMEA(3632) • Fax: (850) 942-1793