Research Committee
FMEA publishes a peer-reviewed research journal, holds a poster session during the annual conference, and reviews requests for distributing research surveys to members.

The functions of the FMEA Research Committee shall be:
- To review submission of research for presentation at the FMEA annual clinic/conference and publication in Research Perspectives in Music Education;
- To inform the FMEA membership of research relevant to music education in Florida through regular articles in Research Perspectives in Music Education, The Florida Music Director, and other appropriate publications;
- To identify individuals and groups interested in conducting research pertaining to music education in Florida;
- To arrange for research dealing with issues that affect music education.
Call for Papers: Research Perspectives in Music Education
Research Perspectives in Music Education (RPME) is the official refereed research journal of the Florida Music Education Association. Its Editorial Committee welcomes manuscripts for publication. The journal publishes music education research using qualitative, quantitative philosophical, historical, or theoretical methodologies and reviews of literature with critical synthesis. In all cases, implications for music educators must be included. For details, please see the RPME page.
Distributing Surveys to FMEA Members
The research committee has established a principle and protocol regarding requests to conduct surveys distributed through FMEA.
Principle: The Research Committee supports high quality research in the state of Florida.
Protocol: The chair of the Research Committee will make decisions at his/her discretion provided that the authors can fulfill these conditions:
- Submit results, when available, for presentation at the next FMEA conference
- The IRB approval letter is attached
- The study and the instrument has an acceptable level of validity
- The survey could be completed by FMEA members within a reasonable time frame (around 15 minutes)
- The request is made to the Chair of the Research Committee at least one month prior to the desired implementation date.
Please send your request to Dr. William Bauer, Chair of the Research Committee at, and copy the FMEA Executive Director Dr. Kathleen Sanz at
FMEA Research Committee
William I. Bauer, chair
University of Florida
Sandra Adorno
Florida International University
Jennifer Bugos
University of South Florida
Timothy Groulx
University of North Florida
Marshall Haning
University of Florida
Gregory Springer
Florida State University
Nicholas Thomas
Florida A&M University
Lindsey Williams
Seminole County Schools
Stephen Zdzinski
University of Miami
1-800-301-FMEA(3632) • Fax: (850) 942-1793