Research Perspectives in Music Education

Research Perspectives in Music Education (RPME) is the official refereed research journal of the Florida Music Education Association.
Instructions for Contributors
Call for Papers
The Research Perspectives in Music Education Editorial Board welcomes the submission of manuscripts for review that describe research studies using any research methodology (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods, philosophical, historical, or theoretical methodologies). Reviews of literature with critical synthesis will also be considered. Submission of a manuscript for review indicates that the material is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors should present research with clarity when reporting the purpose, procedures, and conclusions, and include implications for, and applications to, music education.
Submission Guidelines
Submitted manuscripts should conform to The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition, 2019), but philosophical and historical manuscripts may follow The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition, 2017). Digital submission is required (either Adobe Acrobat .pdf or Microsoft Word .doc or .docx file formats). Submissions should be emailed to the Editor (William I. Bauer, The expected length of the manuscript is approximately 20-25 pages, including references, tables, and figures. Longer or shorter papers will be considered when such lengths are warranted, at the discretion of the Editor/Editorial Board. Each manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract of 150-200 words. Submissions to RPME must not have been submitted simultaneously to another journal. Authors must state on the cover page whether the paper has been presented at a meeting or has been published, in whole or in part, in another venue. RPME will not consider papers that are published elsewhere or do not conform to these guidelines. Attach the following two (2) documents to your email as separate files:
- The manuscript, prefaced by an abstract, with no indication of the identities of the author(s).
- A cover page, including the authors' name(s), institutional affiliation, email address, mailing address, and phone number.
Review Procedures
Submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the Editorial Board and may be accepted, accepted with revision, or rejected. Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication in the journal, the author will be notified and the author will transfer all literary rights on the published article to the Florida Music Education Association. Prior to publication, the Editor must receive a signed transfer of the copyrights. Contributors are responsible for copyright clearance on illustrations, figures, or lengthy quotes used in their manuscripts that have been published elsewhere. Authors will normally be notified of the status of the review within two months.
Research Perspectives in Music Education is indexed by Google Scholar and Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM). The full text of the articles is available via RILM.
Editorial Board
William I. Bauer, chair/editor
University of Florida
Sandra Adorno
Florida International University
Jennifer Bugos
University of South Florida
Timothy Groulx
University of North Florida
Marshall Haning
University of Florida
Sangmi Kang
Eastman School of Music
Candice Davenport Mattio
University of Southern California
David Pope
Baldwin Wallace University
Gregory Springer
Florida State University
Nicholas Thomas
Florida A&M University
Lindsey Williams
Seminole County Schools
Stephen Zdzinski
University of Miami
Michael S. Zelenak
Alabama State University

All issues are available on-line at no cost to current FMEA members.
FMEA supports open access to research findings that improve music education by providing full access to its research journal, Research Perspectives in Music Education (RPME), through IngentaConnect.
1-800-301-FMEA(3632) • Fax: (850) 942-1793