Exhibitor Information
FMEA 2026 Professional Learning Conference, January 14-17, 2026

Exhibit at the FMEA Conference January 14-17, 2026
The FMEA Conference is host to over 10,000 attendees, including music educators, music education majors, professors, music supervisors, professional musicians, school administrators, K-12 students, and their parents and chaperones. More than 300 events will include professional learning clinic sessions, keynote speakers, meetings, and concerts. 23 All-State Ensembles will be rehearsing and performing, including bands, orchestras, choruses, guitar, popular music, and orchestras at the elementary, middle school, high school, and collegiate levels.
SIGN UP HERE: Booth Reservation and Management System
- Login with the username and password you chose last year, or Click "CREATE ACCOUNT" if it's your first time with us
- To create a new order, follow the instructions to create a new order for "FMEA Exhibits"
- Pay deposit and/or balance on-line
- Print contract and invoice/statement
- Enter the information needed for name badges
- Enter Program Information
- Advertising for the Conference Program, Florida Music Director Magazine, and web banner ads can also be purchased using this system.
Booth Assignment:
- Register and pay your deposit before March 1 to maintain the space you had at the previous conference*.
- Register and pay your deposit as soon as possible to request to move or expand your space. After March 1, move requests will be granted on a first-paid basis.
- After March 1, we will first assign booth space for those who requested the same space and then assign those who requested to move or expand in the order their deposits were paid.
- Once all orders with a paid deposit have been assigned their booths, all empty spaces will be open for general sale and assigned as deposits are paid.
*Please note: Due to improvements being made to the booth layout in certain exhibit hall areas, the exact location cannot be guaranteed, but every effort will be made to keep your booth in the same general area.
Information Packet
Exhibitor Information Packet 2025 (2026 packet will be available soon)- Includes important information, dates, rules, and regulations. In the contract generated in the online ordering process, you will attest that you have read and understand the information, rules, and regulations in this handbook.
Please see our Media Kit or the Exhibitor Information Packet above for booth pricing and other important information. Booths include a table and 2 chairs for each 10'x10' space. Additional items ordered from our show decorator and logistics company, including carpet, additional furniture, and shipment receiving, will incur an additional cost.
Product Showcase Session Proposals:
If you would like to present a session showcasing your products or services, please see the Conference Proposals page. The deadline for proposals is July 15.
Conference Program Advertising
To purchase an advertisement in the Conference Program, login to your CFAE Sponsor Account with the same login info you use for your exhibit booth order. Select the "Print Advertising" option under the FMEA logo after you log in.
**Please note that the Conference Program will be a Digital Publication. It will be available in the FMEA Mobile App and the conference website. QR Codes will also be posted throughout the convention center.
Hotel Reservations:
A block of discounted rooms will be available for exhibitors at the Westin Tampa Waterside Hotel, a short walk across the river from the convention center, for a discounted rate. When the room block is available, we will post the reservation link here and email all exhibitors who have paid their deposit.
You must have placed your exhibit booth order online and added name badges for everyone in your hotel reservation. We will regularly compare the rundowns with our exhibitor list and cancel reservations for those not registered as exhibitors with badges.
Watch out for Hotel and Attendee List Scammers!
The entire conference and trade show industry suffers from an influx of Business Impersonation Scams where an unauthorized person or company searches the internet for exhibitor lists on conference and trade show websites and impersonates the conference to sell hotels or attendee lists to exhibitors fraudulently.
All legitimate email correspondence from FMEA will come from an email address ending in @fmea.org, @flmusiced.org, or @cfaefl.org. Also, our show decorator, AGS Expo Services, may email you from @ags-expo.com, and the online exhibitor contract invitation will come from eSignatures.io.
There is no third-party housing or attendee list service for the FMEA Conference. The only legitimate way to reserve a hotel room for our conference is with this reservation link, and we do not offer attendee lists.
Please notify your corporate office if they are responsible for booking travel.
If you were the victim of one of these scams, please report it to the Federal Trade Commission at https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/
Expo Service Providers:
- AGS Expo Services - carpet, furniture, displays, shipment receiving, etc. An online ordering portal will be available soon for our event.
- Edlen Electric - If you need power to your booth, it must be ordered from Edlen. Exhibitors are not allowed to run extension cords outside of their booths.
- Encore: Rigging and A/V equipment rental
- XpoDigital: Advertise on the digital signs throughout the convention center. Explore their digital signage and prices. Contact tcc@xpodigital.com for more information.
- Food & Beverage Sampling Request Form - Required if you are distributing samples of food or beverage products. Email the form directly to lopresti-olivia@aramark.com
Lead Retrieval - Namebadge Barcode Scanning
Our iOS and Android lead retrieval app allows you to scan barcodes on attendees' name badges to retrieve their contact information. Custom qualifying parameters, a free-form notes section, and many other features are included. The data is available instantaneously in an easy-to-read format, allowing for immediate follow-up both during and after the show. iOS and Android licenses will start at approximately $195 for a single device, with discounts for multiple licenses for multiple devices. Exact pricing and ordering information will be available a few months prior to the conference.
Internet Access
The Tampa Convention Center will provide complimentary WiFi throughout the facility, including in the Exhibit Hall. Connect to the TCC Complimentary network, open your browser, and follow the instructions for creating an account or logging into your existing SmartCity account.
Please note that due to the high volume of traffic and congestion in the exhibit hall, the complimentary network may not suit your needs. Exhibitors who need a faster or more reliable connection may upgrade to the "Exhibitor WiFi" network for $79.95 a day for a 5ghz 3mbps connection. Multi-day discounts might be available. Connect to the Exhibitor WiFi network and open your web browser to purchase access.
If you need a wired internet connection, other data networking services, or a telephone line, please contact SmartCity.
Approved Vendors:
The only approved vendors for the FMEA Conference are:
- Frank Minish LLC
- AGS Expo Services - show decorator, furniture, logistics, and shipment receiving
- SmartSource - lead retrieval barcode scanner rental
- Edlen Electric - the convention center's electrical service provider
- Smart City - the convention center's phone, internet, and WiFi provider.
- Encore - the convention center's A/V rental and rigging provider
- XpoDigital - the convention center's digital signage provider
- Center for Fine Arts Education - The association management company owned by FMEA. They provide staff and online ordering for exhibits and advertising.
Attendee Demographics:
From the 2025 Conference:
3.055 Music Teachers
3,009 K-12 Students
1,953 Parents/Chaperones
122 Exhibit Hall Day passes
Turnstile Count: 16,914
All-State Concert Tickets: 5,474
(On Saturday, badges are not required for entry, so concert attendees may attend the exhibit hall as well)
Exhibit Hall Floor Plan (DRAFT)
Corporate and Academic Partner Memberships
Product Showcase Session Proposals
Load-in and setup (subject to change):
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. -6:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Exhibit Hall Open:
Thursday 12:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Friday 10:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Contact Us:
(850) 878-6844
Toll-Free 1-800-301-FMEA
For website problems or technical assistance
1-800-301-FMEA(3632) • Fax: (850) 942-1793