Conference Policies

To take advantage of early discounted rates, you must register and pay before the early registration deadline. If you are mailing a check to the FMEA Office to pay for your registration, it must be postmarked on or before the Early-Registration Deadline and arrive in our office before the holiday break.
- All participants - directors, students, chaperones, and guests - must be registered for the conference.
- Only directors may register their groups or pick up registration materials if pre-registered.
- All participating students must be chaperoned. As required by FSMA, at least one chaperone, other than a director, is required for every ten (10) students or a fraction thereof. However, FMEA policy allows one free Chaperone for every six (6) all-state students or a fraction thereof.
- An additional paid Chaperone may be registered for
- each six (6) students registered, OR
- for each All-State rehearsal site where registered students are rehearsing.
- If a participating student is not accompanied by the director from that student's school, then the principal from that school must furnish a letter designating the person from the school or school district who is to be in charge of that student. The letter should be addressed to the FMEA Executive Director, explain the extenuating circumstances preventing the director from attending, and must be submitted with registration materials. The school will be notified of approval. This does not release the director from the requirement that they must be registered for the conference. If approved, the person designated in the letter will pick up the director's pre-registration packet and supervise the students at all times.
- Student observers are not allowed to attend the conference. If any student observers are brought to the conference, the offending school's participation in the conference may be eliminated the following year. Tri-M students or those approved for the "Student Experience" program who are registered and participating in sessions or working for the All-State Concerts are exempt from this rule. Chaperones or other attendees are not allowed to bring children who are not participating in an all-state ensemble or student experience. Only registered students, teachers, and chaperones wearing a conference badge are allowed in and around the rehearsals and conference areas. Please make babysitting arrangements before attending the conference.
- FMEA & NAfME Membership Requirement:
- All Florida school music teachers must register for the Conference as FMEA members and be current members of FMEA & NAfME. This includes session presenters, all-state conductors, and directors of all-state students, invited performing groups, and mini-concerts.
- All-State conductors from Florida schools, colleges, or universities must also be FMEA members.
- No current music teacher may register as a chaperone.
- Collegiate students must be collegiate members of FMEA & NAfME.
- Attendees who live outside of Florida must be current members of NAfME. Attendees living outside the USA may contact our office for registration instructions.
Refund Policies
- If you cannot attend the conference and do not have students participating, full registration refunds are available for cancellation requests made through December 15th.
- No registration refunds will be made for cancellations made after December 15th, except for emergency situations*. These will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- Refunds must be requested in writing (email is acceptable:
- All requests for emergency refunds must be received no later than January 31st. Requests received after that date will be denied.
- All refunds are issued after the conference is completed.
- There are no refunds for concert tickets or membership dues.
*If you test positive for COVID-19 or develop symptoms before the conference:
- If you have symptoms of COVID-19, the flu, or anything that may be contagious, or if you test positive within five days before your planned arrival at the conference, please follow these procedures:
- If you have all-state students: you will need to find another teacher to supervise your students and pick up your badges in accordance with policy #5 at the top of this page. Because director conference registration is a requirement for all-state student participation, you are not eligible for a refund.
- If you do NOT have all-state students: send an email describing your symptoms or test results to to request a refund in accordance with the policies above.
- If you are not showing symptoms, get re-tested a few days later. If the subsequent test(s) are negative and you still do not have symptoms, research has found that you are most likely not contagious, so you are welcome to attend the conference.
Chaperone Registration
Chaperone Registration is based on the following rules:
Elementary Students:
- For each elementary student registered, one free chaperone and one paid chaperone may be registered.
- Any additional attendees must purchase a "Guest Pass" at on-site registration for entry into the convention center.
Middle School and High School Students:
- For every six students registered, one free Chaperone and one paid chaperone may be registered. No other chaperones may be registered until the seventh student is registered.
- Any additional attendees (chaperones or guests) must purchase a "Guest Pass" at on-site registration for entry into the convention center.
- If you have students in more than one performing ensemble, you may pay for a chaperone for each performing ensemble in which you have registered students.
- If you have students from different schools, you may pay for a Chaperone for each school for which you have registered students.
- Clarification: these are not additional "free" chaperones, these exceptions only allow you to register an additional paid chaperone in addition to the one free and one paid chaperone per six students normally allowed.
Chaperones are not allowed to bring other children who are not participating in an all-state ensemble or student conference experience. Only registered students, teachers, and chaperones wearing a conference badge are allowed in and around the rehearsal areas. Directors are asked to make sure their chaperones are aware of this policy and make babysitting arrangements for their other children before agreeing to serve as chaperones.
Concert Tickets Reservation and Payment
Please see the All-State Ticket policy.
Indemnity Clause
FMEA reserves the right to change the conference/workshop content, timing, speakers, or venue without notice. The event may be postponed or canceled due to acts of terrorism, war, extreme weather conditions, industrial action, fewer than expected delegates, pandemic, or any event beyond the control of FMEA. If such a situation arises, FMEA will endeavor to reschedule the event; however, FMEA cannot be held responsible for any cost, damage, or expenses that may be incurred by the registrant as a consequence of the event being postponed or canceled. Some registrants consider travel insurance to cover the cost of the registration, travel, and expenses for these types of situations. FMEA is not responsible for any registrant’s personal injury (i.e., physical, psychological, or emotional stress) or property damages while attending an FMEA conference or event. Conference registrants assume all risks inherent in attending an FMEA conference for which the registration covers, whether before, during, or after the conference.
Photographic Release
By attending the conference and/or associated activities, you grant permission for FMEA to use any and all photographic imagery and video footage taken of you and your students at this event and activities pertaining to this event, without payment or any other consideration. You understand that such materials may be published electronically or in print, or used in presentations or exhibitions.
Code of Conduct
FMEA is dedicated to providing a positive environment of respect and civility for all attendees, including members, students, parents, speakers, clinicians, exhibitors, sponsors, staff, volunteers, and guests. All attendees are asked to follow all applicable laws and conference policies and refrain from physical and verbal harassment, bullying, disorderly conduct, or any actions or behaviors that create unsafe conditions or interfere with presentations or performances. Harassment, bullying, and sexual language and imagery are not appropriate for any conference venue, including clinics, workshops, concerts, rehearsals, social events, online, and social media. Violations should be reported to convention center security or conference staff in a timely manner. Violators and their registered students may be expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the FMEA executive committee.
1-800-301-FMEA(3632) • Fax: (850) 942-1793