Session Proposals and Performance Applications

Thank you for your interest in submitting a session proposal, product showcase proposal, or performance application for the 2026 FMEA Professional Learning Conference. We strive to promote professional insight that will most benefit music educators in Florida.
The conference will be held January 14-17, 2026, at the Tampa Convention Center and nearby hotels in Tampa, Florida. Please only submit a proposal if you can travel to Tampa to present in-person during those dates.
The theme for the 2026 conference will be The Power in our Profession: Music Education for Collective Impact. Collective Impact is a broad cross-sector coordination toward a mutual cause. It is a network of community members, organizations, and institutions who advance a cause by learning together, aligning, and integrating their actions to achieve systems-level change.
We prefer that your proposal connect to the conference theme for an overall uniformity of vision, but our primary goal will be to equip and empower music educators to best serve their students and the profession. All session proposal submissions should be consistent with current educational trends, promote curricular experiences that lead to a better cultural understanding, and allow educators to create, perform, and respond to music that instills lifelong values for learning and participation.
Please take a few minutes to review this important information before proceeding:
You are only permitted to submit a total of two (2) session proposals. Performance applications and product showcase proposals do not count toward this limit.
- Session Proposals: Friday, May 9, 2025
- Performance Applications: Friday, May 9, 2025
- Industry Product Showcase Proposals: July 15, 2025
Late submissions will not be accepted, so please plan accordingly.
Conference Registration and Attendance:
- All presenters must register for the conference, even if they live or teach outside Florida. Early registration will begin in late September, and prices will increase in early December. Conference exhibitors working their booths and invited keynote speakers are exempt from this requirement.
- By submitting a proposal, you agree to register and attend in person to present your session if your proposal is selected. Please do not submit a proposal if you are unsure if you will be available to travel to Tampa during any of the dates of this conference. Cancellations for reasons other than unavoidable emergencies may affect the committee's decision to accept future proposals.
FMEA/NAfME Membership Requirement:
- All presenters and conductors who live or teach in Florida must be members of FMEA & NAfME.
- Presenters residing outside of Florida must be members of NAfME, the National Association for Music Education. Attendees residing outside the United States are exempt from the NAfME membership requirement and should contact for instructions on how to create a login account to submit a proposal and register for the conference.
- Your FMEA and/or NAfME membership must be current to submit a proposal and must also be current when registering for the conference.
- You may Join or Renew your FMEA Membership here or visit if you reside outside of Florida. If you are not a current member, we will begin accepting new memberships and renewals for the 2025-2026 school year on April 1.
- Conference Exhibitors are exempt from FMEA & NAfME membership requirements but must contract and pay the deposit to exhibit before submitting a proposal.
Instruments and Equipment:
- FMEA will provide a microphone, sound system, and LCD projector. Upon approval of your session, a piano may be requested. You must plan on providing everything else needed for your presentation.
- Instruments, computers, music stands, and anything else not listed in the above bullet point is the presenter's responsibility and will not be provided by FMEA. Choral risers are not allowed in session rooms.
- Complimentary WiFi is provided in the Tampa Convention Center but not in the Marriott meeting rooms.
Demonstration Performers: If you anticipate using student performers as a demonstration group for your session, you must select "Demonstration" as the session format when completing your proposal.
- It is recommended that demonstration ensembles be limited to 15 students or less. Ensembles of more than 15 students will still be considered, but available space will be a contributing factor when the committee decides on sessions to accept.
- If you are not the director or teacher of the student performers in the demonstration ensemble, their teacher/director must be added as a clinician for the session and register for the conference. They will be responsible for ordering name badges for the students as part of their conference registration.
- FMEA does not provide instruments, music stands, or any other equipment for Demonstration Groups other than chairs and a P.A. system.
- Choral risers are not allowed in the session presentation rooms.
Presenters are responsible for all expenses, including but not limited to travel, hotel, meals, conference registration, and materials.
Required Materials
Please have all the following information ready to copy-and-paste and files ready to upload into the online proposal web pages. If it takes too long to complete any page of the application, your session may time-out and you will need to start over.
Session Proposals (including Product Showcase proposals):
- Title of your session, in Proper Title Case, with no extraneous or unnecessary punctuation and only 120 characters or fewer.
- A description of your session in 1,000 characters or less, as you want it to appear in the conference program, online schedule, and mobile app. Please check for proper spelling and grammar, and make sure that it is written in a manner that would encourage attendees to get excited about attending your session.
- A short statement on how the session relates to the conference theme, if applicable.
- Your brief biographical sketch (bio) in 1,000 characters or less, as you want it to appear in the conference schedule. Your bio should focus on your experience and accomplishments that demonstrate your credibility for presenting on the specific topic of the session(s) you are proposing, further encouraging attendees to choose to attend your session.
- A professional head-shot photograph of yourself to appear in the conference schedule, mobile app, and possible marketing materials in the event that your session is accepted. It must be in JPG, JPEG, or PNG format with the file extension .jpg, .jpeg, .png. To avoid bias, photographs will not be accessible by the conference planning committee during the selection process.
- Names and email addresses of at least two (2) professional references who can speak to your qualifications for presenting on the topic of your session proposal. Our system will automatically email references with a link to submit feedback.
- Contact these references in advance to ask for their permission and double-check that you have their correct email address.
- You are responsible for following up with each reference to ensure they received the email from FMEA and completed the feedback process. You may track the progress of your references by logging back into the session proposal page before the deadline and submitting additional references if necessary so that at least two (2) respond for each clinician before the deadline listed above.
- Social Media: (optional) If you would like us to include links to your social media on our online schedule and mobile app, you may copy and paste the URL addresses to your profiles on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Threads, Bluesky, and/or your website or blog. For example:
- Tracks/PD Modules: You will be asked if your session fits into one of the following Professional Learning Modules or Tracks:
- Advocacy & Community Engagement
- Health & Wellness
- Instructional Innovations (e.g., innovative instructional strategies, technology, diverse ensembles)
- Music and Cross-Curricular Connections (e.g., reading, mathematics, science, STEAM)
- Music Assessment & Evaluation
- Music Performance, Pedagogy, & Literature
- Music Teacher Professionalism and Leadership (e.g., classroom management, beginning teacher sessions)
- Reaching Diverse Learners (e.g., educational, cultural, linguistic, K-20 and beyond)
- Other (suggest another possible track or module)
- Demonstration Ensembles: If you are planning on using live performers, please have the following ready:
- Professional Photograph of the ensemble (does not need to be current; you will be able to update it upon acceptance)
- A Letter of Permission from the performing students' school principal or administrator giving permission for the students to travel to Tampa and perform at the conference. It must be signed and scanned as a PDF file with the ".pdf" file extension.
- Number of students in the ensemble
- If you are not the students' director, you will need to add their director as a clinician, including their name, address, cellphone, workplace, email address, biographical sketch, and a professional headshot photo.
Performance Applications:
Ensemble applications should only be submitted by the Primary Conductor/Director from their own FMEA account. Assistant directors can be added after the initial application is completed.
- Full name of the ensemble, including the school name if applicable.
- Concert Type:
- Concert: 25-minute formal concert performance on stage in a ballroom. These are usually, but not limited to, large concert ensembles such as a concert band, concert chorus, or symphony orchestra, but other large, "non-traditional" ensembles are also encouraged to apply.
- Mini-Concert: 25-minute informal concert performance on the lobby stage on the 2nd-floor veranda. These are usually smaller ensembles (approximately 20 students or less), such as a jazz ensemble, combo, small chorus, string ensemble, percussion ensemble, steel band, Orff ensemble, etc.
- Description or Biographical Sketch of the ensemble in 1,000 characters or less.
- Biographical sketch and a professional headshot photograph of each director.
- Names and email addresses of two(2) professional references who can speak to your qualifications. References will be automatically emailed from our system with a link to submit feedback, so please notify them in advance and make sure you have their correct email address.
- Social Media: (optional) If you would like us to include links to your social media on our online schedule and mobile app, you may copy and paste the URL addresses to your profiles on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and/or your website or blog. For example:
- An mp3 recording of a recent live performance of one (1) piece of music or one (1) movement of a larger work that demonstrates the ensemble's technical and musical ability. It must be only one (1) file in MP3 format with the ".mp3" file extension and be no larger than 20 megabytes.
- A Letter of Permission from the performing students' school principal or administrator giving permission for the students to travel to Tampa and perform at the conference. It must be signed and scanned as a PDF file with the ".pdf" file extension.
- A Professional Photograph of the ensemble in JPG, JPEG, or PNG format.
Students and Chaperones: Directors of accepted performing ensembles and Demonstration groups are responsible for adding their student and chaperone lists to their conference registration before the early registration deadline in December. Only one(1) chaperone per six(6) students is allowed.
Industry Product Showcase Sessions
A Product Showcase Session is a one-hour presentation of your organization's products or services open to the general membership. It is held in an on-site conference room and listed in the conference program. Organizations may pass out any material they wish at these sessions but cannot serve food or beverages.
Exhibiting companies are encouraged to submit proposals as Product Showcases but are also welcome to submit regular educational sessions. However, the FMEA Conference Planning Committee reserves the right to deny any regular session proposal and change it into a Product Showcase proposal if they suspect that specific products or services will be promoted during the session. If one of the purposes of your session is to sell or promote a product, service, company, or organization, it must be designated as a Product Showcase session.
The deadline for Product Showcase Session Proposals is July 15, 2025
Showcase Session Costs:
- $500.00
- $350.00 for Bronze Corporate Partner Members
- $250.00 for Silver Corporate Partner Members
- Free for Gold Corporate Partner Members (limit one complimentary session, $250 for a second session if approved)
- Piano rental or additional A/V equipment may incur an additional cost and must be requested upon acceptance.
Showcase Information:
- The company must first sign up as an exhibitor, pay the required deposit, and complete the electronic exhibitor contract.
- Corporate or Academic Partner members will be given priority acceptance for Showcase Events, the reduced Showcase prices listed above, and an exhibit booth discount. Membership must be current for at least two years to qualify for this priority status. Although not guaranteed, we will make every effort to approve at least one showcase event yearly for Gold Partners and at least every three years for Silver and Bronze partners.
- See the Required Materials above for the list of session and presenter information that must be copied-and-pasted or uploaded into the application.
Selection Process
Each proposal will be reviewed by the FMEA Conference Planning Committee, which includes representation from FMEA committees and the councils and component organizations FBA, FCMEA, FEMEA, FOA, FVA, and FMSA. Notification of acceptance will be made by the end of June for performing ensembles, and the end of July for session presenters.
All decisions are final.
Due to the large number of submissions received, the committee is not able to provide feedback for proposals that are not accepted.
The FMEA Conference Planning Committee, President, Executive Director, and Executive Committee have the discretion to invite additional presenters, speakers, and performers in addition to those who submit proposals or performance applications here.
Indemnity Clause: FMEA reserves the right to change the conference/workshop content, timing, speakers, or venue without notice. The event may be postponed or canceled due to acts of terrorism, war, extreme weather conditions, industrial action, fewer than expected delegates, pandemic, or any event beyond the control of FMEA. If such a situation arises, FMEA will endeavor to reschedule the event; however, FMEA cannot be held responsible for any cost, damage, or expenses that may be incurred by the registrant as a consequence of the event being postponed or canceled. Some registrants consider travel insurance to cover the cost of the registration, travel, and expenses for these types of situations. FMEA is not responsible for any registrant’s personal injury (i.e., physical, psychological, or emotional stress) or property damages while attending an FMEA conference or event. Conference registrants assume all risks inherent in attending an FMEA conference for which the registration covers, whether before, during, or after the conference.
Photographic Release: By submitting a proposal to present or an application to perform, you grant permission for FMEA to use any and all photographic imagery and video footage taken of you and your students at this event and activities pertaining to this event, without payment or any other consideration. You understand that such materials may be published electronically or in print, or used in presentations or exhibitions.
Code of Conduct: FMEA is dedicated to providing a positive environment of respect and civility for all attendees, including members, students, parents, speakers, clinicians, exhibitors, sponsors, staff, volunteers, and guests. All attendees are asked to follow all applicable laws and conference policies and refrain from physical and verbal harassment, bullying, disorderly conduct, or any actions or behaviors that create unsafe conditions or interfere with presentations or performances. Harassment, bullying, and sexual language and imagery are not appropriate for any conference venue, including clinics, workshops, concerts, rehearsals, social events, online, and social media. Violations should be reported to convention center security or conference staff in a timely manner. Violators and their registered students may be expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the FMEA executive committee.
Health Disclaimer: By attending, you acknowledge and fully understand the nature and extent of the risk related to coronaviruses and other contagious diseases and agree to attend this event at your own risk. You expressly acknowledge that coronaviruses can be highly contagious and infection can result in death, the risk of infection and transmission is higher in indoor facilities, there are no safety precautions that totally eliminate the risk of contracting a coronavirus, and individuals with various underlying medical conditions and/or who are not fully vaccinated against coronaviruses including recommended boosters may experience worse outcomes.
By clicking below, you attest that you have read and understood all of the instructions, policies, and information on this page:
1-800-301-FMEA(3632) • Fax: (850) 942-1793