Student Leadership Workshop
An energetic and inspiring workshop for all high-school student leaders!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025, 1:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Tampa Convention Center Ballroom A
This workshop is designed for all high school student leaders who want to learn, thrive, and become the best leaders for their schools, peers, and themselves. Attendees will participate in active conversations and team-building activities while also discovering their personal strengths and needs to continue to grow on their leadership journey. Everyone will be engaged in a culture of inclusivity to see and hear all students while revealing the unique strengths and knowledge of our combined voices and experiences.
If you have high school students in an All-State Ensemble, the Student Conference Experience, or the Tri-M Experience, their schedules will not conflict, so you are encouraged to also register them for this Leadership Workshop. All high school students are eligible.
The workshop cost is $50 per student, and chaperones are free. FMEA/NAfME members registered for the FMEA conference are also welcome to observe for free. Directors, register your students as part of your FMEA Conference Registration.
Robyn Hilger
Robyn Hilger joined ACDA as Executive Director in September of 2021. She is a seasoned non-profit executive with a wealth of experience in administration, fundraising, and strategic innovation. The overarching theme of Robyn’s work is meeting the identified needs of historically marginalized communities. Robyn began her career as the band and strings teacher in Oklahoma’s largest urban school district. In 2006, she was recognized as Oklahoma’s State Teacher of the Year. In 2007, she joined the staff of the Foundation for Oklahoma City Public Schools as the Chief Programs Officer. Robyn created two programs that received national attention and recognition for addressing unmet needs of urban teachers and students. In 2014, Robyn was named the Executive Director for El Sistema Oklahoma. El Sistema Oklahoma facilitates the development of empowered youth who use music to make strong positive change in their lives, their communities, and the world. Robyn’s service in key positions has helped her excel in fundraising and volunteer and donor relations. In 2017, she was named New Fundraiser of the Year by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Oklahoma City Chapter. Just prior to joining ACDA, she served as the Director of Community Engagement for ReMerge of Oklahoma County. ReMerge is a leader in developing solutions in criminal justice reform for women facing felony convictions. Robyn also serves on the advisory board for Oklahoma Youth Orchestras and is a Board Member for Oklahoma Youth Sing! (formerly the Norman Children’s Chorus).
Susan Smith
Susan L. Smith has been an educator for more than 25 years at the elementary through collegiate levels, including general music, choral, band, orchestra, guitar, and educational pedagogy in Florida, Virginia, and Alabama. She has served as an author, clinician, conductor, and adjudicator across the United States and is currently a Lecturer of Music Education and Horn at Troy University. Smith is a past Chair of the NAfME Collegiate Advisory Council, a Past President of the Alabama Music Educators Association, and a former Alabama Bandmasters Association District VI Chairman. Smith’s professional affiliations include the National Association for Music Education, Alabama Music Educators Association, Alabama Bandmasters Association, Phi Beta Mu, Sigma Alpha Iota, Phi Beta Kappa, National Band Association, and she is an honorary member of Tau Beta Sigma. She has conducted honor bands in Georgia, Alabama, Virginia, Florida, West Virginia, and Kentucky. She currently resides in Troy, Alabama, with her husband Robert and has two daughters, Savannah and Madison. Savannah is a Band Director in her 5th year in Fayette County, Georgia, and Madison is a 3rd year General Music Teacher in Lowndes County, Georgia. (2023).

Robyn Hilger
American Choral Directors Association
Executive Director
Susan Smith
President, NAfME Southern Division
1-800-301-FMEA(3632) • Fax: (850) 942-1793